I am CJ.
You are you.
This is my site.


Site Purpose

The original purpose of this site was to act as a portfolio so I can showcase my inevitable evolution from data analyst newb to data analyst greater newb. That purpose still stands true.

However, I also want to kick down that barrier between data analysis and the newbs who didn’t know they need it. Because data analysis is not just for computer science grads and companies. You like betting on sports? You want to know what makeup company is truly about that natural life? You want to know what politician #837 tweets about the most?

Then together, lets make a better living through data.

2023 GOALS

Become proficient enough in Python and SQL to execute intermediate data analysis with limited reference.

Pass the PMI Certified Associate in Project Management exam.

Pass the Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam.

Build a CRM targeted at small, local nonprofits.

“Business, business, business. Numbers. Is this working?”

Recent Projects

Some of my most recent creations. Watch as my power grows.

Data Visualization SQL

Indiana Public Safety Arrests Data

Data Visualization SQL

Hotel Booking Data

Data Visualization Python

NBA Player Stats